Android IDE (AIDE) Support Forum

Why?....I do not understand

NDK: Android NDK; ERROR: /data/data/com. aide. ui/no_backup/ ndksupport-1710240003/android-ndk-aide/sources/cxx-stl/lvm-libc++/ Android. mk:c++static: LOCAL SRC_FILES points toa missing file NDK: Android NDK: Check that /data/data/com. aide. ui/no_backup/ ndksupport-1710240003/android-ndk-aide/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/ libs/armedbi-v7a/thumb/libc++static.a exists or that its path is correct NDK: /data/data/com. aide. ui/no backup/ndksupport-1710240003/ android-ndk-aide/build/core/prebuilt-library. mk:45: *** Android NDK: Aborting Stop.

instal your ndk.tar.gz bro