Android IDE (AIDE) Support Forum

Trixi, Hans Kratz, Dennis Stein don't answer my Mails about Aide

I hope they are well and also all great developers at appfour.
But what happen with the ui designer error!
I have spend four years, building apps with Aide but now I can’t use Aide’s uidesigner feature, to design or change my projects design, with Aide. You can’t just import Aide project to Android Studio. It won’t work. You have to redesign most everything and create new files and a new project.
I can’t understand why appfour don’t answer subscribers when they need support! If they can’t solve the problem with Aide, maybe the aide community can help. Or why not release Aide, if appfour have get tired of Aide on github?
Something must be happening with the great Aide and its updates and support, so we can continue to develop fine apps on the go.
Robert William, hope to be continued subscriber.

Returned to Aide after about 5yrs. This app can still be improved to support Androidx and Kotlin without full gradle implementation just like Codeassist.
Unfortunately, this app has been abandoned. I had to searched for days before I finally found a mod with fixed UI designer and documentation browser.