Android IDE (AIDE) Support Forum

Looking for Guidance on Improving the Performance of the Android IDE for Big Projects

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

I’m contacting the community in the hopes of receiving some guidance or suggestions on how to optimise my Android IDE since I’ve been running into some performance problems when working on big projects.

I have a mid-range laptop with a quad-core processor and 16GB of RAM right now. Although this configuration functions well for smaller projects, handling larger codebases causes it to lag noticeably.

In particular, I’ve observed lags in the emulator’s operation, building, and code completion. My productivity is being negatively impacted by these problems, so I’m searching for solutions to streamline the development process.

I’ve tried the following a couple times so far:

Raising the memory allotted to the IDE: I changed the studio’s settings.vmoptions to give the IDE extra RAM, but the difference was not really noticeable.

Turning off pointless plugins: I turned off plugins that I don’t use frequently, which made a small difference but didn’t address the main issue.

Using an SSD: I believed that installing my projects & the IDE on an SSD would help with some of the execution difficulties, but it hasn’t made a significant difference.
The outcome is still not up to par despite my best efforts.

I also followed this :point_right:

I’d especially like to know more about:

  • The best ways to set up the IDE for big projects
  • Anything in particular that you’ve found to work? :thinking:
  • Upgrades to hardware that could have a big impact
  • Other programmes or add-ons that could improve the effectiveness of managing big projects.

Thank you :pray: in advance.