Android IDE (AIDE) Support Forum

Keystore issues


I built a small simple app using the AIDE app and managed to get it uploaded to the google play store which was great. But recently when I was trying to update it I made a noob mistake and deleted my keystore off my phone. Thankfully I enabled googles apk signing and they can replace it. I needed to generate a new keystore and use keytool from the JDK to get a .pem file. But the new key needs to be 2048 bits and the new one I generated in the AIDE app was smaller so it got rejected.

I managed to use keytool to create a new 2048 bit RSA, find the custom keystore settings in app but I get an invalid credentials error when trying to build or publish using the new keystore.

Does anyone know how to generate a 2048 bit RSA in the app has any ideas on if I’m doing something wrong with the custom keystore settings?



After all that it might just be easier to delete the Play store app, copy your code into a new project and build it with a new key and publish to Google Play again? Seems like it would be a security issue if it was easy to change those keys so it’s probably intentionally difficult to pull off.

Yes Choons, I’m sure it is intentionally difficult because of security and that it would be easier to start over. However I’d prefer to update the existing app if possible. I’m a bit confused about how the first version got the ok to be published if the RSA key wasn’t 2048 bit.

Either way I’ve hit a wall right now with AIDE, it seems like I’m unable to use the custom keystore or find a way to generate one of the required length in app. I’m pretty sure it’s something simple I’m doing wrong but lack of experience in these is not helping me.

Today I transferred my project into Android Studio which let me fix a few other small issues with appcompat I’d been having and I generated a new upload key in there. We’ll see in a few days if google accepts the new RSA key. I’d be happier doing this in app but needs must.

I understand. Good luck with it. Hopefully someone else will post a solution using AIDE

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Well I did find that the keystore created with Android studio was accepted so I can update my app. Unfortunatley I’ve not been able to find a solution in AIDE yet