Android IDE (AIDE) Support Forum

Invalid resource directory name error?

I have created a folder ‘font’ in ‘res’ directory to place some files for my project. But AIDE always show this error about ‘font’ folder:

“aapt: invalid resource directory name:/ storage/emulated/0/AppProjects/MyQuiz/ app/src/main/res font”

I searched everywhere but find no solution.
Please help me to solve this problem.


fonts are available for api 26 or above. I don’t think it’s fully supported by AIDE. You might encounter a crash. Anyway, I remember I once used a font library that didn’t crash my app.

How to use a font library?
Is there any available for download in AIDE?
if not available for download in AIDE how to add it to my project from an external source?
please help me find a solution. thanks

I’m not trying to promote any app in here, but, for the purpose of helping others while using AIDE, there are Github client apps on the Play Store. Try OpenHub or FastHub.