Android IDE (AIDE) Support Forum

If else sratement

Now use the if-else statement to find the minimum of a and b and assign it to variable min .
Please give me solution. Thanks.

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Your a lot more likely to get replys if you put more thought in when asking for help. What i mean by that is think about what YOU can do to help the people that might want to help you. Sharing a screenshot of the code (and lesson instructions) before you edited it is the best way to do this, and make sure you tap the annoying blue arrow that covers up the code.Not everyone has access to these lessons but that doesnt mean they cant help you.

Also if you use a custom font switch back to a normal easy to read font before taking any screenshots, if you make it easy for people to help you then they probably will.

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1.public class Main
5. int a=2000; b=1000;
7. if(a<b)

    system.out.println("The minimum of a and b is: " + min);    

Pls help me: Now use the if-else statement to find the minimum of β€œa” and β€œb” and assign it to variable β€œmin”