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I need help with this while loop anyone?

The while statement is composed by a condition and a job to do

while(condition){ do job; }

The while statement will repeat the job until the condition is not true, (by example: count < 1000)
If the job doesn’t change the result of the condition, then the while will not finish

Example (in the block inside the while the value of count never changes, so the while is infinite):
int count = 1;
int result = 0;
while(count < 1000){ result = result + count; }

Example (the value of count increases, the while will end when count has a value of 1001):
int count = 1;
int result = 0;
while(count < 1000){
result = result + count;
count = count + 1;

The condition can be anything that evaluates to true or false
The job can be anithing, just remember it must change the values used in the condition

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that is an Infinite loop never reach the sum+1 you should put a const for example

while (sum < 1000){
// here put your code…