Android IDE (AIDE) Support Forum

Help me out plss respect

Where to download latest editor IDE apk guys?

This one could be really nice, but it still doesn’t have a layout preview.

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Thanks bros appreciate it …

Can it make aab file ?

It has a layout preview.

Yes we Support aab files

How does it make aab files? Please give me any tutorial link.

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Just join our telegram group on our website

Can you have a preview of layouts?

Did you got any answer?
Or I will go forward for refund. Otherwise, quite useless for me.

Nobody replied to my query.

Thank you for the reply!
A workaround is to convert your APK to AAB, then create new key using keytool(AIDE is 1024 , useless), then sign with the new key your converted apk(jarsigner), after try to upload.
I will test and let you know exactly if it worked.
P.S keytool and jarsigner in android TERMUX(f-droid).

Let me know if it worked for you.

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Yep, AAB file was accepted! Now waiting for review to production.
I will tag you and tell “the story”, quite long how I managed to do it from my Android device(non-root, and asndroid+8 ).
P.S until then(creating the steps necessary.) you need TERMUX and APKtoAAB apps(+ AIDE to generate release APK .)

TERMUX : generate a new key(and keystore if you don’t want to keep in existent) using keytool (2048 size, since AIDE is too weak. Example command ```
keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-keystore.jks -alias your-alias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

AIDE :  Publish and sign the APK with the keys generated earlier.
TERMUX :  use jarsigner to sign the AAB with same key(Example command  ```
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA256withRSA -digestalg SHA-256 -keystore my-keystore.jks my-converted-release.aab your-alias

Note* you should have openjdk_17 package installed in termux.
Termux* CLI for android.

Hello Mike, Can you teach me how you did this as well?

Does the ide androidide compatible with android version 12?
Please verify.
am a beginer and am looking for perfect ide to learn better.

I use CLI on a Linux instance somewhere in the cloud.
For a beginner there are too many steps , and too many work arounds to acomplish this.
Learn Linux, is way more simple than any programming langunge, and you will be able to compile, sign, build your app with simple commands.
Sorry for the late answer, since i moved on from this project AIDE.

It’s outdated use