Android IDE (AIDE) Support Forum

Google as spy in my environment

Hi, I am developing small apps as my hobby for my own private use… Recently messages like the one attached appear on my screen when I compile my app. I never have intended to distribute my private stuff. What is googke doing here? Is google watching what I do on my private tablet? Who gave google the right to intrude into my private world?

This is the same as if Volkswagen would watch what I do with my car. Is google police? Where are we now? Has anyonne any idea who has given google the right to do that?

Thanks for clarification.

That is a standard message from the Play store. You obviously have Google Play installed. Google Play doesn’t recognize your app. (Either by name or binary signature. Its trying to protect you. It doesn’t know you wrote the app. That warning is for the average person who can berely spell App, let alone know if anything was safe. I don’t think Google was spying on you.

This is the first step towards a full-fledged autonomy.

Many thanks for the reply. But I an not fully satisfied. I have been working on this app for over 8 months without any such reaction. The pop-up appears only sometimes at irregular intervals. The changes I make to the app are often simple changes when the message appears. In the mean time those pop-uos have stopped… The apps I write are only for my own private use! Why shall Google need to peek on them?