Android IDE (AIDE) Support Forum

Critical layout limit

I reached some limit on text in layout section. Now AIDE build my app without classes. It crashes with ClassNotFoundException. I cleaning old layouts to keep text amount in a layout folder in a limit. Could you check this critical issue? It’s not limit per xml, it’s a limit for a whole layout folder.

AIDE 3.2.210301 on LM-G820N (SDK 29).

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Please, show us more data. Screenshots, text, etc

I told more about that with Trixi. It’s not layout overflow. At some moment project becomes too large for a compiler, and it starts to create dex which crashes with ClassNotFoundException. Currently resolved this issue by removing Kotlin support jars. Yeah, it’s returning to working condition after any type of resources (layout, java, jars) reduction. But I need to return this jars back to get working OkHttp. It’s not a Multidex problem. Also tried to enable it. Same result. But what did you want? I won’t share my project. :expressionless: Didn’t get which screenshots or texts can help there.

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When you report a bug, it is good to provide as much data as possible, so that they can easily reproduce the problem and fix it faster. That’s what I mean about more data. And surely you can reproduce the problem and expliain it without leaking some info you don’t want

Who is mysterious “they”? Did you see support from AIDE devs here? It’s not how bugs should be processed. I can write a lot of info but who will read it? I’ll react only to clear requests, not to “take screenshot of mysterious something”. I could install debug AIDE apk with extended logging, but nobody is leading this bug tracker. So I won’t comment here that “unknown tag byte 13” appears from newest Kotlin support libs. That’s not critical for me.

But today I reached the limit again. I don’t know what to remove anymore. :disappointed_relieved: And that’s really critical. Top attention. The end of the world.

I clearly see this edge. Add view to xml — crash. Remove this or any other view from xml — success. Today I got crash after adding new field (non-static) to class. Removed it, added new method to this class… Success. Funny. It failed because of just one new field but compiled properly with new method.

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By they I mean the developers. If you see other topics here you will see I sometimes ask for more info. The point is, if they fix the problem for you, they also fix for everyone else. If they fix it faster for you, they fix it faster for everyone else. Even if they won’t fix, it is better to know what makes it crash, and how to avoid it. That’s why I ask for some data. Context is needed for a fix or not to crash.
Let’s take a true example here. If I add some object fields in a activity and try to initialize it with something other than null in some strange conditions the resulting app will crash on startup. This description is better than to say: I build an app and it crashes. The first provides more info, is more clear, and explain how to avoid it;

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Don’t take it personal, I just want to understand the problem, and that’s it. As an guess I think that if you add an library in AIDE it will add every single class into your project, even if you don’t use it, reaching the limit of classes viably analyzed in a phone very easily. A second guess is that avoiding external dependencies is a good idea.

The true example is my project. I could show it in two conditions: when compiler works and when doesn’t. But I won’t as I said at the begging. There is no fault from me. I’m sure. Because I can add new Java parts and it becomes falling. Then I can remove working layout (not related to this Java) without touching Java and it will improve a situation. At some moment of project growing you’ll get:

Suppressed: Failed to open dex files from /data/app/com.dao.myo-RYSj5rLao0AEBFJ-oAYNTw==/base.apk because: Failure to verify dex file ‘/data/app/com.dao.myo-RYSj5rLao0AEBFJ-oAYNTw==/base.apk’: Out-of-order field_idx for annotation: f041 then 505c

I spent a lot of time to figure out what is happened since topic started. Today I reached the limit by adding new strings to general strings.xml. I really tired of continuous fighting with this issue (temporarily removed various xmls, javas, libs and waiting when I’ll be able to put it back). Where is a hotfix from devs?.. :crying_cat_face:

Surely we want this fix, we need. It’s sad that no communication from the devs with the clients occur, they could know better the path development should take. Let’s hope that they like continuous improvement, and try some communication. Until then, we could try to improve our lives with what we already have. For example, there’s an app called Scoop that capture stacktraces. You can find it at F-droid. It is really useful when even AIDE can’t catch it. I hope the best for you. Good care.

I used Scoop with Xposed many years ago. Didn’t know it was modified to work without root even. Thank you.