Android IDE (AIDE) Support Forum

Context compat error?!?

Hello developers i have an problem when i use context compat to check self permission as it show in picture below…
any solution…

You have misspelled it. replace n with m.
ALWAYS check your spelling because an IDE is a grammar policeman!

same problem :frowning:

Long press on it and see what AIDE offers for a solution. It might be an import or something.

Unknown intity

This is a screenshot of my usage of ContextCompat

Ok then add this import

Can you copy it to me please :no_mouth:

Using the * sign in imports might lead to ambiguations that causes these types of errors.

now it’s three errors :pleading_face:

Have you added the support libraries? Screenshot of your dependencies?

Also try extending AppCompatActivity instead of Activity

i did download this files…
Is ther more file :thinking:

Looks like you are new in AIDE. Dependencies are located in your app’s build.gradle file

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Yes I am new…
there are any online courses to learn using AIDE IDE…

Create a new project using AIDE and explore the files. Search google to see what they are for.

Ok ,Thank you for helping

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compile ‘’

Add this dependency to your build level gradle file.
You should use aide helper app to create a project for aide . which takes care of all these things.