Android IDE (AIDE) Support Forum

App crash after adding admob

My app crash anytime i add this dependency

Did you also add the required codes in AndroidManifest.xml?

Sample AdMob App ID: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713

Visit the site link below to see the actual codes mentioned above.

I use official google sample project that i downloaded from
The required codes already included but the app crash after it successfully compiled!
Below is the screen shot

This is AppCompat crash
You can use older version of admob to fix

Please can you give me a link to download the older version of admob that can work?

Downloading is not required just replace version in gradle

I changed my dependencies to the following

dependencies {
implementation ‘’
implementation ‘’
But still the app crash

Implementation (‘android.arch.core:runtime:+’) {
force = true
Add this to depencies and refresh build

This has even make it worse, I get a lot of errors afterwards. Please do you have any sample project?

Hello @Shamsuddeen

Did you find any solution?
I am encountering the sane problem, I modified the file and now the Ad works using Admob test ID but nothing appears when I use my own AdMob ID. The good news is that the app does not crash…
Try this:
compile '’

Yes i found the solution. I hope you too you have the solution

Your project will work with this version.

implementation ‘’

11.8.0 seems to be working for me too, but anything higher than that doesn’t…