Please tell me why app developer remove AIDE from Google play store?
Aide remove from play store
I still have it, fortnatly, but I wonder why too
Hi Guys, I hope AIDE will come back soon because many of our DroidScript users use AIDE to build plugins!
However if it doesn’t come back soon, or the developer has truly stopped supporting it, then please come and join our community here
You can still rapidly develop native Android apps directly on your mobile, but you will need to switch to using JavaScript or Python. However you can use Android Studio to build Java based plugins if you find any missing functionality in DS, using this template -
We are a not-for-profit organisation and we often give free premium subscriptions to those who contribute to the project (for example by building Java based plugins for the community)
Note: DroidScript can build AABs and can also run a full NodeJS server inside your app too
If appfour developer come back in play store please fix some problem.
First fix native Android (Java) res or resources file Android manifest,color XML,
String XML, style XML , customize layout XML , value, value-v24
Or autocomplete suggestion doesn’t work properly. We can write code manually. I think that
Appfour AIDE developer team should work for this.
Please mention to appfour AIDE developer as if fix these problem.
It is most important that for native Android app development out all developer.
This process help with fastest coding our
And told appfour teams that Android layout portrait view work fine
But landscape view not working (UI not user-friendly)
Please fix this problem.
Thanks you.
It will not come back due to play store rules, it would be to much work to make it work again, use androidide from
It will not come back due to play store rules, it would be to much work to make it work again, use androidide from
It will not come back due to play store rules (it not possible to run binaries and stuff on runtime, it musst be prebuil or happen in the private app folder idk that why), it would be to much work to make it work again, use androidide from
I f AIDE come not back in play store the native Android developer will be hopeless from Android apps
Developer ,Java console app development..
Please tell appfour team so that they republish or give us opportunity to in-app purchases from instance of google play store of aide premium key aideJava c++
And I want to in-app purchases from basic aide and unlock all premium feature,but when I purchase helf item.its tell that items can’t found
through play store has aide premium which aide premium key enable to full in-app purchases but the problem is the aide premium key outdate, please give opportunity to in-app purchases pleasee understand my concern and do something.i thank that aide premium key available in play store so please fix this problem items can’t found
It’s most important for native Android app developer
They can’t, Google removed the app because it wasn’t updated in a long time.
When they update it, it will not work anymore. Android 11+ is restricting executing binaries which are used to compile apks.
The only option is to change the whole code to run it under /data/data so it would be possible to execute the things that are needed for building apks / aabs like gradle, aapt2, zipalign and more.
You can use, it’s a mobile IDE too or codeassist
It is possible to come back play in Google play store with AIDE. So please publish AIDE in Google play store again
It is possible to come back AIDE in back Google play store.