Android IDE (AIDE) Support Forum

AIDE Logcat is not working

In AIDE, is logcat really work? I have tried AIDE on many different mobile devices but none of them worked. Please tell me which android version is capable with logcat. As you know logcat is a essential tool of android development. I need it very much. Please response me as soon as possible.

Logcat has always appeared a bit glitchy to me.
Sometimes it works, but sometimes it won’t refresh properly. I was advised once (I can’t remember when or where) that the alteration and re-saving of a single file (maybe it was the manifest?) will start logcat working again. I must look for the details. But no, you are not imagining it. logcat sometimes doesn’t appear to work properly and it can be very frustrating when you’re trying to debug.

Type “logcat” in to the search bar on this forum and you’ll see plenty of results describing similar problems.