Android IDE (AIDE) Support Forum

AIDE Androidx Template



Just requested access and you granted within minutes! Thank you so much for these templates. I’ve wanted AndroidX templates for months.

You’re welcome mate!

Am having errors in your template

What is the error? …

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The community is small, needing divulgations.


I know but at least there should be someone from the development team who knows the things we need to do in such cases. @dekubi 's error for example

Yeah, I know some things of the app, but not all things. I’m here to help, but I can’t help all!


Works fine!

Night theme is working automatically

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I have downloaded your tamplete but I got 14 errors been showed up. Three in the values folder and they are duplicated attributes. And the others expect one are ‘alpha’ errors and the excepted one is ‘layout_behavior’ errors. The ‘alpha’ and ‘layout_behavior’ are preceded by ‘app:’ attribute not ‘android:’ as usual. How can I solve these errors, please.

“are preceded by ‘app:’ attribute not ‘android:’ as usual”

app and android are namespaces not attributes you will definitely of noticed app:showAsAction when implementing a menu. To break this down the app part is the xml namespace and the showAsAction part is the attribute. Since these are not framework attributes they use a custom namespace.

The first screenshot is a conflict between 2 or more libraries. This means you are using 2 libraries that have the same attribute names.
Possible solutions

  1. Comment out these errors ( I don’t recommend)
  2. Find the conflicting library and replace it. How?
    a. In your app’s build.gradle, Comment out ALL non-Google libraries.
    b. Then try other libraries one by one besides Google libraries until you get these errors again.
    c. When you find it, replace it.
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Can you help with my question?

I’m having a problem getting aide to download the android x libraries. I had to manually download the 25 and 32 repository zips but I cannot find jetpack or androidx. Any ideas?

To use androidx in aide, follow these steps:

  1. Download the sdk Click here
  2. Goto settings in aide, select build/run then go to android.jar and enter the path to the sdk you downloaded. For example, if you downloaded it into a folder called Download in your internal memory; then the path will be /sdcard/Download/android.jar

How did you get it working - help me.

I have tried, but the app got “force stop”

But I have commented the out.

Let you see the screenshot, so that you might have an idea of how can I resolve the problem.