Android IDE (AIDE) Support Forum

About the Lessons category

Stuck in a lesson? This is the place to go!

Posting guidelines:

  • Post here if you need help with any of our AIDE Java/C++, AIDE Android Development and AIDE Web Development courses.

  • before taking the screenshot click the blue arrow (if it still appears) and zoom out

  • It needs to be a specific problem inside the course do not post here for general help (check out our other categories: Beginner, Advanced, Bug, Feature)

  • Add a clear description of your problem and add a screenshot or video if necessary

  • Add some color :rainbow: and love :heart_eyes:

Other helpful tips:

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it would be nice if people also clicked the blue arrow, zoomed out before taking the screenshot/video and if there’s any error messages show them ( press the red :x: on the actionbar to see error messages) also when posting for help keep in mind not everyone has access to the lessons so don’t just assume everyone knows what your talking about. And just because someone doesn’t have access to the lessons it doesn’t mean they cant help you with them you just need to provide enough information.

  • Add some color :heart_eyes: and love :heart_eyes:

yesssssss hate reading black/white code


Wat should i change in my java code???