Android IDE (AIDE) Support Forum

Solved error with AppCompat 27

Very true @Eugene, I totally forgot to add that final piece of the puzzle.
Thank you

Please give me the directory of the refreshing the libs like Settings/so/so file.

And must I purchase the full version of the AIDE before I can you the feature ?

Same here, app crashes on startup

That absolutely magically solved my problems

How did you do it ? Please…

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AIDE settings > Build and Run > Refresh Maven Repository

I’m not saying it solved ALL my problems. It only made me compile and run and open a sample app using v27. I still can’t compile androidx or v28 due to some library-related errors

Try to remove Light from the styles.xml with this line: parent=“Theme.appCompat.Light” and it will fc

Use the appcompat version 26.0.1 and go to res/values/style.xml and change parent to Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar…

Then go to res/values-v21/style.xml and change the Style name to “Shutt”

Now u can use the AppCompatActivity successfully… Good Luck!

I am yet stuck ! I really a help ! implementing appcompt lib became a serious issue on my side. I tried all possible and suggested ways but failed… What should I do ?